Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chirality - Dahmer Crunch and Special BTK Swatches

Today I have 2 polishes from Chirality. I was planning to wear just Dahmer Crunch but instead of putting on 3 coats of it, I decided to try layering 1 or 2 coats of it over a white undie. The effect wasn’t bad, but it really wasn’t what I was in the mood for. It had a very stark effect; black and white with no shades of gray. In a different mood, it would have been perfect but I just wasn’t loving it at the moment. So I decided to try putting a coat of Special BTK on top and I think the resulting look is stunning!
I’m very glad I bought both of these at the same time. Later I picked up the small size bottles of Raisin Gein and Bundy Berries, but I may need to get the full sized bottles of those, as well. These 4 polishes are really great and when I consider all the possible combinations of layering them together! Wow! It’s like making your own frankenpolish the super simple way.
I also tried out Nail Pattern Boldness Glitter Food to smooth out the roughness of the glitter.  Worked like a charm!  I'll be using this over glitter all the time going forward.

You can find Dahmer Crunch and Special BTK at Chirality's etsy shop and Glitter Food at the Nail Pattern Boldness etsy shop.

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